
Wednesday 10 November 2010

Script for Happy Anniversary

SCARLETT walking down a path at night. A front door is opened and a woman enters and hangs her coat up. She looks into the kitchen and notices a smashed glass on the floor

SCARLETT tidies up the glass using a dust pan and brush and puts it in the bin, we see a picture of her and her boyfriend just above the bin. SCARLETT point of view shot of her looking around the fridge, with a shaky hand, she goes to pick the bottle of lemonade, but opts for a bottle of wine and pours herself a glass. She turns round and goes to take a sip of her wine, but just before she does, a light goes out. She kneels on a chair to try to fix the light and as she is doing so, the radio turns on. She turns it off and as doing so, a noise is heard from the living room. She walks into the living room where the TV is turning on, she turns it off, but as she is walking away it turns back on again; scared, she leaves the room. We see her run up the stairs and into a dark room.

Josh, please sweetie, stop this

SCARLETT turns the light on

We then see half of JOSH's face and blood coming out of his ear. Cuts to a flashback of SCARLETT hitting JOSH with a glass, then back to JOSH's bloody face. Another flashback is shown of JOSH's leg being dragged away with blood seeping out, back to JOSH's bloody face. Back to a flashback of SCARLETT looking distressed. Back to the close up of JOSH's bloody face, SCARLETT leans in a kisses his cheek. A close up of Josh's bloody arm is shown, then an extreme close up of his hand.