
Tuesday 2 November 2010

Plot synopsis for my film Happy Anniversary

Plot Synopsis
A woman, Scarlett, comes home from work and sees glass smashed on the floor, she sighs as she tidies it up and mumbles something about her boyfriend not tidying it up. Things then start to go wrong; the light goes out, the radio turns on by itself, the television keeps turning itself on and off. She gets frustrated and worried as she can't turn the television off so just sits on the bottom of her stairs. She then sees a shadow coming from outside, slowly getting nearer towards her house. She runs upstairs and goes into a room and shuts the door. She says she’s glad her boyfriend’s in that room as she’s scared because weird things are happening. The camera then pans round to a shot of a duvet, with a bloody male leg coming out of it, then a shot of her boyfriend, Josh's, face with blood coming out of his ear and dead. It then cuts to a flashback of the two fighting and her smashing the glass around his head. Josh's face is shown again and she leans in and kisses him on the cheek. The titles Happy Anniversary then appear.