
Saturday 13 November 2010

Business - USP, certificate and distribution

Unique Selling Point
         I think my film's main unique point is it is showing the female character as being the killer and the male as the victim, which is very rare in horror films, as women are often shown as the vulnerable victim.

I have used the BBFC website to gain what certificate my film would get. My target audience are people who often watch horror films; 15-24 years of age. This is going to reflect my certificate rating of a 15, as it will contain violence and moderately strong language, but no drug use, sexual scenes or nudity. I don't want my film to be an 18 as I want it available to as many teenagers as possibly and a majority of teenagers who go to the cinema to watch horror films are under 18.

Distribution Hammer films production is a London based production subsidiary of Exclusive Media Group, that specialise in horror films, which is why I think it would be perfect for my film. Hammer films  have many film festivals that show new short and long horror films, which would be a great chance for Happy Anniversary.